Monday, August 29, 2011


Photo from the Internet
 A hard working, God-fearing, weathered pioneer
Had a dream in his heart for many a year
To homestead on the prairie with his family
Rooted to Mother earth in perfect harmony

The nest-egg they had saved was barely enough
And they knew the road ahead would be rough
But they followed their dream of a brand new start
With the wind at their backs. A prayer in their heart

Fulfilling life’s dream by the sweat of their brow
The home they built still stands there now
Soil was plowed and seeded. They worked long hard hours
But the much needed crop failed . . . There were no showers

Fate was unkind to these hard working souls
They humbly left their dream and many unfilled goals
  Took their meager belongings and some of that dry prairie dirt
A tribute to their effort. A memorial to the hurt.

Poem by Herm Meyer


One of the things that made the Great Depression so bad is that right in the middle of one of the worst financial crisis in the US's history, there was a drought of epic proportion.The picture above was taken near Dalhart, Texas.

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